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ISCNI is the world's first online institute devoted to research and education concerning human contact with other intelligent life.
ISCNI is now offering special public events and private classes with nationally-known researchers, plus stimulating message board discussions, library archives, up-to-the-minute news, and more.
ISCNI's free area can be visited by anyone with access to America Online. This area includes the Electronic Cafe message board, the ISCNI Public Library and the ISCNI Bookstore. ISCNI's membership area, accessible with a campus pass or Charter Membership, includes the Forum message board, the Academy, the News Center, and additional library archives.
ISCNI has a mission: To bring you the most up-to-date and reliable information on all aspects of human contact with other intelligent life; to provide you ongoing access to top researchers; and to create a community safe for mutual sharing and dedicated to open-minded exploration.
ISCNI has already engaged the active participation of several of America's leading researchers of CNI phenomena, including Linda Moulton Howe, John Carpenter, Karla Turner and Michael Lindemann. Other top researchers have expressed strong interest in future participation, including George Knapp, Stanton Friedman and Salley Rayl.
Anyone with AOL access can now try ISCNI membership for one month *Free of Charge.* During this free first month, you can participate in all of ISCNI's numerous programs and services, including all classes offered in the Academy. See below for further details on this free trial offer.
[CNI News thanks faculty member/abduction researcher John Carpenter for sharing the following case, which is still under investigation in the Midwest.]
John Carpenter, abduction researcher and hypnotherapist, worked with a rural man in a three-hour hypnosis session after he had a close sighting over his property, missing time, and neighbors who saw the strange lights. He had some vague, conscious recollections, but no real information about UFO research.
The session was interesting in that he recounted a classic abduction scenario with curiosity drawn both to his vasectomy and his continued sexual activity "for no obvious purpose" now. He was asked what kind of woman he would find attractive, and when he responded, he was shocked to see the beings halt a car on a road beneath them. A terrified woman who matched the characteristics he had described was taken from her car and brought aboard the craft. Although she was initially distrusting of this subject's presence aboard such a craft, she was placed on a table and given a strong suggestion to find the subject sexually appealing. The aliens apparently wanted to observe more of his ability to enjoy sex with an attractive woman when the need to reproduce was NOT the goal or objective. The details of this long session were impressive and highly correlating with other cases.
What makes this case more intriguing are the reported conscious observations of his wife. On one occasion she awoke on her downstairs couch to find several beings staring in a window at her. Recently, both she and her husband heard a droning sound and she asked her husband to go downstairs to check it out. Although he started to investigate, he reportedly became tired and wanted to just go to bed -- which he did. As she sat there in the bedroom nervously, she heard a metallic grating sound outside. At the window she was able to look down and see a round disk on the ground and four beings outside on their property. She could not awaken her husband and was afraid to look out the window again. Two hours reportedly passed; then she saw the craft leave.
An interesting footnote to this remarkable observation is that some light snow fell that night but NOT in a round area where the craft had been observed on the ground. This wife does not want this mystery to intrude into their lives. No identifying data or further details will be released at this point in time.
ISCNI's Open University is a place where guest teachers and instructors will be teaching classes or giving lectures on a wide variety of CNI-related subjects.
The first Open University class is called "Expeditions," and is presented by Kent Steadman (OpenU Kent). Kent describes this class as "experiments with the flight of the imagination." He will facilitate group visualizations to explore the far reaches of perception.
Starting date: March 12, 5pm EST (2pm PST); runs four consecutive Sundays, with message board dialogue in between live sessions. YOU CAN JOIN ANY TIME.
Location: EUN Hall for live sessions; ongoing discussion in Topic #41: "The ISCNI Open University/Expeditions" inside the ISCNI Forum.
Instructor, guide and fellow-traveler: Kent Steadman, retired instructor of fine arts, Fresno City College (1966-88), artist, writer, Irish musician and farmer.
Student requirements: an experimental attitude, sensitivity to others, an eagerness to expand creatively and a willingness to soar. Ship's motto: in an infinite universe all dreams are true.
For further information or to register, please send email to Course TA. A class outline is posted under "Announcements from ISCNI" in the Electronic Cafe.
[CNI News thanks DianeOmega for tipping us to this hot item!]
Do try to catch the Kellogg's Rice Krispie Treats commercial airing on various TV channels including CNN. It takes place at the "UFO Club" where everyone wears "UFO Club" sweatshirts, and involves a white beam of light with a consequent missing member (nothing left but his eyeglasses) and more importantly, a missing bowl of Rice Krispie Treats (ET chuckling in the background). Definitely worth setting your VCR on "stun". Has Madison Avenue found out that ETs prefer Rice Krispie Treats to strawberry ice cream?
Since ISCNI implemented its new "FIRST MONTH FREE" program in mid-February, we've seen a rush of new members. In fact, ISCNI reached 100 registered members on March 9, and we're now growing at about ten new members each week.
We're so pleased with the results that we're extending the "FIRST MONTH FREE" special offer until April 15. Now anyone with AOL access can participate in all of ISCNI's programs and services for one full month, FREE. Come and explore the campus! For more details about this program, please see the announcement inside "Announcements from ISCNI" in the Electronic Cafe.
If you're not an AOL member yet, you may order free AOL software and try AOL and ISCNI for free for 30 days, please send email to ISCNI@aol.com, subj: Software.
[CNI News thanks British crop circle expert George Wingfield for sending in this update on a developing story, previously reported in CNI News on Feb 23.]
During a BBC-TV morning talk show in January, a man named Reg Presley said that he had recently seen video footage which was said to have been taken at Roswell, New Mexico, following the crash there of a flying saucer in July 1947. This footage apparently showed two aliens who were being "worked on" by doctors, though it is not clear whether they appeared alive or dead.
Reg is a British pop musician, best known as a member of the Troggs during the late 1960s and '70s. He is still very active in that role and a top single he had written then, "Love Is All Around," recently made a sensational comeback when it was featured in the soundtrack of the hit movie "Four Weddings and a Funeral." Reg is also a UFO and crop circle enthusiast.
Background to the Roswell footage story is as follows: Two unidentified men associated with the British pop music industry went to the U.S. to see some old footage of Elvis Presley (no relation to Reg Presley) never previously made public, which was in the possession of a man in California who was nearly 80 years old. They readily agreed to buy his excellent Elvis footage, and the old man was sufficiently encouraged to say, "Well, if you thought that was fantastic, you'd better take a look at this!" He then produced about fifteen cartridges with perhaps 10 minutes of film on each one, and proceeded to show the two men footage which he says he shot at Roswell in early July 1947.
At the time, he explained, he was sent by the U.S. Army to make a cine film (not stills) of debris in the desert which was apparently that of a crashed flying saucer. He filmed this and a large crane which was being used at the crash site. Then he was taken to film two dead or dying aliens who were being "worked on" in a temporary shelter. One had been initially still alive but died subsequently. Whether the two doctors were trying to save this one, or merely performing autopsies on both corpses is not clear. A third man in an overcoat was standing close by and may have been from military intelligence. The photographer lamented the fact that the cine camera which he used for this was one meant for outside filming rather than one suitable for the dimmer light inside where the bodies were.
The aliens appear to be tall, say about 6 ft 6 in. They are very skinny and have big black eyes. This hardly corresponds to other descriptions of alien bodies said to have been seen at Roswell then, which were described as being of "oriental appearance", and it certainly doesn't tally with the story that child-sized funeral caskets were ordered for the bodies, unless of course the corpses were dismembered. Some of this film apparently shows parts of the alien corpses which had been severed and were labeled. Other cartridges allegedly show many military men at the crash site and among them the then-President, Harry S. Truman, is visible. This is something that has never previously been suggested but might be checkable.
The quality of the film, taken from the end of the beds, is "not great". The original was on the type of cine film which would have been used in that era. It is said to have been recently examined by Kodak who confirm this is 1940s film. Reg Presley has only seen 15 minutes worth, which is less than half the total footage. What he was shown had been copied on to modern videotape. He appears very confident that this film footage is in fact genuine. He knows the name of the man from California who is said to have shot the footage but he cannot yet disclose this. This Army cine photographer, who supposedly kept unauthorized copies of what he had filmed, is NOT Nicholas van Poppen, a man sometimes mentioned in connection with filming the Roswell crash but who died several years ago.
The footage is in the possession of Ray Santilli, who lives in London and who intends to produce a documentary out of it. He sees this clearly as a commercial venture. He is said to have purchased the original film for $100,000, or perhaps $150,000. He has had the film for about two years and it has now all been transferred onto modern videotape, both as a direct copy and also in the form of a version which has undergone enhancement. One rumor is that the film has now been sold to Fox for $200,000 and that they will make a TV program about it. Another is that Rupert Murdoch has taken a personal interest in it and has secretly arranged to show it to certain important people. None of this can be confirmed.
Santilli is a book publisher and is connected with the film industry. He is not a UFO buff and has not been at all responsive to inquiries made by other UFO researchers. Clearly his principal interest is in the commercial value of this footage but he has promised Reg Presley a copy of the film for private use but only on condition that it is not copied. Some British researchers are hoping to get a look at this in the near future.
[Crop circle researcher Colin Andrews, who currently resides in the United States, is said to have seen some of the film footage and to believe it is authentic.]
George Wingfield comments: "Although there is obviously much scope for some elaborate hoax, well-fueled by the publicity of suppressed mystery, it would be wise to suspend judgment until we have seen this Roswell footage, which it seems we all will in due course anyway. Any verdict on its authenticity will greatly depend upon an independent examination of the original film, since any amount of falsification is now possible using computer techniques such as those employed in "Forrest Gump" (if you don't believe this, go see the movie!). As for myself, I will only offer an opinion as regards authenticity when I've seen this Roswell footage and have had a chance to look at the original film."
All Academy Classes during the Spring and Summer Semester will be free of charge. This means that all ISCNI members may participate in any classes of their choosing -- without any extra cost -- through August 31.
Even though the new March classes have already begun, you can still participate. Log files of any live sessions you've missed will be emailed to you, and you can then join in the ongoing message board class discussions (inside the Academy, at the Quad) and also attend the remaining live sessions.
March Academy Classes: (For detailed class descriptions and class outlines, please see inside the Electronic Cafe, under "Announcements from ISCNI"):
Class #4 with Michael Lindemann, "UFOs and the U.S. Government"
Class #5 with John Carpenter, "Multiple Participant Abductions."
April Academy Classes will feature Linda Moulton Howe, detailing her latest research into animal mutilation and possible CNI implications; and Karla Turner, Ph.D., exploring possible transformational aspects of the abduction phenomenon. Detailed course descriptions, dates and locations will be posted soon. Further April classes may also be announced in coming weeks.
To register, email Jim at ISCNIAcad, subj: Regr. Class #__
Several weeks ago, at the suggestion of ISCNI members, we started a series of Monday evening informal community chats open to anyone on AOL. These chats have been so well received that we intend to continue them indefinitely.
This is an opportunity for you to come and meet ISCNI members and staff, and other AOL members who share your interest in CNI-related subjects, in a friendly and informal setting. Come for a few minutes, or stay the whole night. It's easy and fun, and there's no special agenda.
Come to the EUN Conference Hall (keyword: EUN, click on Continuing Education, double click on EUN Conf. Hall) every Monday during March and April, 9-11pm EST (6-8pm PST).
We look forward to meeting you.
Best regards,
Uschi Gerard
Vice-President, Admin.
& Communications
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